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  • If You Want To Take This Course  Online , The Course fees Will be 2000 rupee/month.
  • If You Want To Take This Course  Offline, The Course fees Will be 2200 rupee/month.
  • Course Duration – 3 months.
  • (Strictly in MONTHLY system) and ONE-month advance, which will be, adjust in the last month of the course.
  • Small group of Study (At-Least 10 students & At-most 15 students in ONE group).
  • The Course Will be taken 2 Days/Week and  2 Hours /Day.

Unix/Linux & Shell Scripting

Introduction to Unix / Linux
o   Evolution of Unix / Linux
o   Comparison of Unix / Linux with other operating systems
o   Getting Started
o   Unix / Linux users and superuser
o   Signing on to Unix / Linux
o   Unix / Linux system prompt
o   Introduction to some Unix / Linux commands: cat, ls, date, cal, logname
o   Stopping a command
o   Halting output temporarily
o   Getting on-line help: the man command
o   Signing off

The vi editor
o   The command mode
o   Line positioning and cursor positioning
o   Word positioning
o   Positioning the cursor by sentence
o   Positioning the cursor by paragraph
o   Positioning the cursor in the window
o   Positioning the cursor to a specified line
o   Scrolling the text
o   Inserting and appending text
o   Deleting text
o   Exiting with and without saving
o   Saving and continuing to edit a document
o   Creating a new file
o   Searching for a pattern
o   Replacing text
o   Copy, cut and paste operations
o   User defined registers
o   Marking text
o   Other useful commands
o   Commands at the colon prompt
o   Line numbering

Reading and writing across files
o   Setting editor options: wrap margin, auto indent, show mode
o   Customizing the vi editor
o   Setting of .exrc file
o   Unix / Linux file structure
o   Features of the file structure
o   Inode concept
o   Different types of files
o   Rules for file names
o   Working with Directories
o   Checking the current directory: pwd command
o   Changing directory: cd command
o   Listing directory contents: ls commands
o   Various options of the ls command: -x, -f, -a, -l, -t, -r, ?, *, [ ], -F, -R
o   Creating user directories with mkdir
o   Deleting directories with rmdir
o   Working with Files
o   Determining the type of a file using file command
o   Viewing the contents of a file: cat command
o   Page-wise display of a file: pg command
o   Pausing the output: more filter
o   Changing file permissions: chmod
o   Creating files using cat
o   Copying files using cp

Moving and renaming files using mv
o   Removing files using rm
o   Counting words and characters: wc command
o   Printing a file: lp command
o   Comparing files: cmp, comm and diff commands
o   Communication Utilities
o   Sending messages: write, talk commands
o   Controlling messages: mesg command

Sending mail: mail, elm, pine commands
o   General Purpose Utilities
o   Using calendar: cal command
o   Viewing system date: date
o   Login details: who
o   Changing your password: passwd
o   The Shell
o   Redirecting the standard output
o   Redirecting the standard input
o   The tee command
o   Connecting commands with pipes
o   Filters
o   Paginating files: pr
o   Viewing the beginning of a file: head
o   Viewing the end of a file: tail
o   Rearranging files: cut, paste and join
o   Sorting text files: sort command
o   Extracting unique values: uniq command
o   Translating characters: tr

Shell Programming
o   Introduction to Unix / Linux shells
o   Introduction to shell programming
o   Naming shell procedures
o   Shell variables
o   System variables
o   Arguments to shell procedures
o   The echo command
o   The set command
o   The tput command
o   Looping with ‘for’ statement
o   Conditional execution with ‘if’, ‘else’, ‘elif’
o   The ‘exit’ statement

More on shell programming
o   The ‘while’ and ‘until’ statements
o   Altering loop execution with ‘break’ and ‘continue’
o   ‘true’ and ‘false’
o   Selective execution using ‘case’ statement
o   Doing arighmetic with ‘expr’
o   User input to shell procedures
o   Passing the standard input
o   The ‘read’ statement

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