AWS Cloud Computing

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  • If You Want To Take This Course  Online , The Course fees Will be 25000 rupee.
  • Course Duration – 8 months.
  • (Strictly in MONTHLY system) and ONE-month advance, which will be, adjust in the last month of the course.
  • Small group of Study (At-Least 10 students & At-most 15 students in ONE group).
  • The Course Will be taken 2 Days/Week and  2 Hours /Day.

AWS Overview
o   Overview of Cloud Computing
o   Identify the Main Events in the History of AWS
o   Various AWS Platforms
o   Understand AWS Global Infrastructure and Security
o   Different AWS Services

Identity Access Management- IAM
o   Overview of Identity and Access Management (IAM)
o   IAM Features
o   Elements of IAM: Identities, Policies, and Resources
o   Identify Key IAM Terms and Policy Document
o   IAM as Single Sign On (SSO)
o   IAM Key Takeaways

Elastic Cloud Compute- EC2
o   Overview of Elastic Cloud Computing
o   Identify EC2 Benefits and Related Terminology
o   EC2 Instance Types and Resource Usage
o   EC3 Instance Types, Families, and Purchasing Options
o   Difference Between Root Volume in Instance Store and EBS
o   Overview of Amazon Machine Images
o   Create IAM Roles with ECS
o   Various Security Groups
o   Elastic Load Balancer and Auto Scaling in EC2

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
o   Basic Concept and Overview of Simple Storage Service (S3)
o   S3 Buckets and Identify Different Storage Classes in S3
o   S3 Data Consistency Model
o   Overview of Version Control and Lifecycle Management
o   Definition and Creating Buckets, ACLs, and User Policies
o   Host a Static Website on S3
o   Work with Cross Origin Resource Sharing

DB Services
o   Basic Concept of Relational Database Service
o   Overview and Characteristics of RDS
o   Online Transaction Processing
o   Features and Availability of DB Instance
o   RDS Database Failover Process
o   Overview of ReadReplicas and DB Instance Backups
o   Security Groups and Working with DB
o   Difference Between Aurora and Other DB Engines
o   Overview of Amazon ElastiCache and Redshift

Dynamo DB
o   Basic Concepts and Overview of DynamoDB
o   Core components of DynamoDB
o   DynamoDB Primary and Secondary Indexes
o   Purpose of Query and Scan Operations
o   Management of Capacity and Throughput in DynamoDB
o   Overview of Read/Write Operations
o   DynamoDB Access Control and Data Migration
o   Web Identity Federation Using Third Party Identity Providers

Application Services
o   Basic Concepts and Overview of SQS
o   SQS Architecture and Features
o   Queue and Messages Services for SQS
o   Management of SQS Visibility Timeout
o   SQS Message Lifecycle, Dead Letter with Delay Queues
o   SQS Long Polling and Important Facts
o   SNS Services and its Core Components
o   Compare SNS and SQS
o   SWF Services and its Core Components
o   Compare SWF with SQS

Management Tools, Lambda and Kinesis
o   AWS CloudFormation Features and Template
o   AWS Cloud Formation Stacks and How to Work With Them
o   Elastic Beanstalk Overview and its Core Components
o   Elastic Beanstalk Architecture and supporting Platforms
o   Manage Beanstalk Environments
o   Manage Lambda Environments and its Features
o   Overview of Kinesis and Kinesis Client Library
o   Cloud Formation, Lambda, and Kinesis Key Takeaways

AWS Software Development Kit and Command Line Interface
o   Overview of AWS SDK (Software Development Kit)
o   Different Programming Languages SDK Supports
o   Command Line Interface Installation and Setup
o   Command Line Interface Service Operations

Amazon DNS Service Route 53
o   Basic Concepts of Route 53 and its Overview
o   Compare Public and Private Hosted Zones
o   DNS Resource Record Sets
o   Various DNS Routing Policies

Virtual Private Cloud- VPC
o   Overview of VPC
o   Types of Subnets and Security Groups
o   Creating and Usage of VPC Wizard
o   Manually Configuring a VPC
o   Elastic IP for an Instance While Creating a VPC
o   Routing Table and Route Priority for VPC
o   Compare NACL with Security Groups

AWS Security Features
o   AWS Security Features and its Overview
o   Various Shared Responsibility Models
o   AWS Compliance Program Difference Between Physical and Environmental Security
o   Business Continuity Management
o   Network Security and AWS Access Management
o   AWS Trusted Advisor Security Service Checks

CloudFront and CloudWatch
o   Introduction to CloudFront
o   Introduction to CloudWatch

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